Reunión 307 Del Mar
Viernes 3 de Noviembre del 2017


Clásico (Cl)
Pr. "Las Vegas Breeders Cup Dirt Mile"
1600m Arena (Rápida)
15:05 hrs.

Bolsa de Premios: USD $2.332.781

USD $550.000 al 1ro - USD $170.000 al 2do - USD $90.000 al 3ro - USD $50.000 al 4to - USD $30.000 al 5to - USD $10.000 al 6to - USD $10.000 al 7mo - USD $10.000 al 8vo

Ejemplar (Padrillo) E. Dist. Jinete Preparador Div.
9 Battle of Midway (Smart Strike) 3a 55.7 F. Prat Jerry Hollendorfer 14.2
3 Sharp Azteca (Freud) 4a ½ cp 57.0 P. Lopez Jorge Navarro 2.9
5 Awesome Slew (Awesome Again) 4a 57.0 J. Velazquez Mark E. Casse 14.1
10 Practical Joke (Into Mischief) 3a 55.7 J. Rosario Chad C. Brown 5.8
1 Iron Fist (Tapit) 5a 57.0 R. Santana, Jr. Steven M. Asmussen 35.1
2 Giant Expectations (Frost Giant) 4a 57.0 G. Stevens Peter Eurton 25.1
4 Gato Del Oro (Medaglia D'Oro) 3a 11¼ 55.7 J. Ortiz Richard Baltas 67.8
6 Mor Spirit (Eskendereya) 4a 14 57.0 M. Smith Bob Baffert 2.4
8 Accelerate (Lookin At Lucky) 4a 14¼ 57.0 V. Espinoza John W. Sadler 3.9
10° 7 Cupid (Tapit) 4a 14¾ 57.0 R. Bejarano Bob Baffert 12
Corrieron Todos
Tiempo: 1.35.20 1600m Arena (Rápida)
Favorito: (6)Mor Spirit

Mandiles: 9, 3, 5, 10, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 7

Jinetes: (1°) Flavien Prat, (2°) Paco Lopez, (3°) John R. Velazquez, (4°) Joel Rosario, (5°) Ricardo Santana, Jr., (6°) Gary Stevens L., (7°) Jose L. Ortiz, (8°) Mike E. Smith, (9°) Víctor Espinoza, (10°) Rafael Bejarano

Preparadores: (1°) Jerry Hollendorfer, (2°) Jorge Navarro, (3°) Mark E. Casse, (4°) Chad C. Brown, (5°) Steven M. Asmussen, (6°) Peter Eurton, (7°) Richard Baltas, (8°) Bob Baffert, (9°) John W. Sadler, (10°) Bob Baffert

Studs: (1°) Don Alberto Stable and WinStar Farm LLC, (2°) Gelfenstein Farm, (3°) Live Oak Plantation, (4°) Klaravich Stables, Inc. and Lawrence, William H., (5°) Whispering Oaks Farm LLC, (6°) Exline- Border Racing LLC, Gatto Racing, LLC and Zubok, Garrett, (7°) J K Racing Stable LLC and Chandler, Bruce, (8°) Michael Lund Petersen, (9°) Hronis Racing LLC, (10°) Tabor, Michael B., Magnier, Mrs. John, and Smith, Derrick